Jumps to table of contents of greek resources
I have no desire or ability to repeat the brilliant web pages of others who teach Greek, nor the resources of others such as William Mounce. However, as I study Greek I keep forgetting important aspects which I need to look–up – often while traveling home on the bus. Hence these pages are my "cheat" sheets which I can quickly find on my iphone or netbook. Most often I do this on the 30 minute bus ride to and from home or at lunch time while sitting in the park, either reviewing Greek vocabulary (I purchased a nice set of cards – each with a Greek word on the front and its meaning on the reverse – essentially those from Mounce's book – these always travel with me) or reading Scripture. However, some of these tables may be useful for you as well.
William (Bill) Mounce < https://www.billmounce.com/ > uses an unusual (although subscribed to by many around the world) method of teaching Greek – he demands that one understands why a word, or group of words have a particular form – so instead of learning hundreds of paradigms – or charts of words – one learns the rules that are used to construct a word, and only memorize the exceptions. This I find to my style; being a scientist, understanding the science of why, say a certain group of vowels change under certain conditions is fascination. In some ways if you study Greek this way you also study the science of linguistics.
Anki < https://ankisrs.net/ >
This is a shareware leaning tool (available as a program and app) which I believe was originally written to help the author learn Japanese. It "learns" about you as you move through the vocabulary database, making you review words early if you get them wrong and holds off on the easy words. There are a wide range of subjets including languages, medicine, science etc. put together, by dedicated volunteers. Sound media can be linked to the "flash cards" so on review you say the word then hear and see what it should have sounded and looked like. I use a database that follows Mounce's Greek "Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar", William D Mounce, Zondervan, 2003 (which has been updated). The mobile device (AnkiMobile) version has a cost attached.
Bible Hub < https://biblehub.com/ >
Bible Hub has many tools and is useful for understanding translation,
especially its interlinear pages. I find this site useful
for learning Greek, as it either displays the Greek and holding
the mouse over the word reveals the meaning or an interlinear
version can be displayed. This is the Greek, Strong's and
English all lined up plus the parsing of each word.
Greek text: https://biblehub.com/interlinear/study/matthew/1.htm
Innterlinear Greek https://biblehub.com/interlinear/matthew/1-1.htm
New Testament Lexicon < https://www.laparola.net/greco/ >. This is comprehensive but not easy to use.
Reverse Greek Bible by Bill Mounce at < https://www.biblegateway.com/versions/Mounce-Reverse-Interlinear-New-Testament/ >. Note this link is external to Bible Gateway).Bauer, Walter (Author), Danker, Frederick William (Editor) (BGAD) (2001) A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. 3nd ed. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-03933-6.
The original version was authored by W Bauer (Griechisch-deutsches Wörterbuch zu den Schriften des Neuen Testaments und der übrigen urchristlichen Literatur) using much older works, with the Engish version edited by W. F. Arndt, F. W. Gingrich, and F. W. Danker thus the general acronym for the work BGAD being the first letter of each of the surnames. Other versions include:
A Greek-English Lexicon Of The New Testament And Other Early Christian Literature (1957), trans. William F. Arndt and F. Wilbur Gingrich, Chicago: University of Chicago Press (BAG)
A Greek-English Lexicon Of The New Testament And Other Early Christian Literature (1979), 2d ed. rev. and augmented by F. Wilbur Gingrich and Frederick W. Danker, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, (BAGD - the version Wallace uses)
Davis, William Hersey Beginner's Grammar of the Greek New Testament (around 1929) a classic grammar < http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/davis/ > (6 January 2023).
Mounce, William D. (2019). Basics of Biblical Greek: Grammar (4th ed.). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. ISBN 978-0310537434.
Mounce, William D. (2019). Basics of Biblical Greek: Workbook (4th ed.). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. ISBN 978-0310537434
Mounce, William D. (2003). Greek for the Rest of Us. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. ISBN 978-0-310-27710-1.
Mounce, William D. (1994). The Morphology of Biblical Greek. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. ISBN 978-0-310-22636-9.
Mounce, William D.; Mounce, Robert H. (2011). NASB/NIV Greek & English Interlinear New Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. ISBN 978-0310492962.
Wallace, Daniel B. (1996) Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics: An Exegetical Syntax of New Testament Greek. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. ISBN 978-0-310-21895-1
I have not generally checked these for their doctrinal sincerity, but have found some of their resources useful.
Institute of Bibilical Greek < https://biblicalgreek.org/ > offers on–line classes (which I have no idea whether these are of a good standard or not)
New Testament vocabulary, listed by frequency < https://biblicalgreek.org/grammar/ >
gknt.org < https://gknt.org/ > appears to have a number of Greek resources which many follow Mounce – tables and charts.
This list is clearly nowhere near complete!
Most of these pages are simple summaries that can be printed and pasted onto 75 x 125 mm cards (3" x 5") flash cards.
Last update: 20 November 2024
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